About Me

I was born in Taipei City, Taiwan. I love the beauty of natural sciences since I was a child, thus I decide to study Earth Sciences for my B.S degree. I met the professional astronomy research in my sophomore year, after that, I finish the M.S degree in Astronomy in National Taiwan Normal University and the PhD degree in Astrophysics in Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Now I would like to explore much knowledge related to astronomy, either from software or hardware development aspects. My personal interests include watching operas, musicals, and Japanese animations.

Contact Details

Ming-Yi LIN
11F of Astronomy-Mathematics Building, AS/NTU
No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd,
Taipei 10617, Taiwan




Binocular Telescope (LBT)

The science program belongs to Dr. Eva Wuyts. I was a volunteer student to work with instrument scientists and telescope operators. In the six-day observations, my works included assisting the observing program execution, assessing weather condition, communicating with LBTO staff.

Near Infrared

Very Large Telescope (VLT)

The VLT Large Program (PI: Dr. Richard Davies) goes into individual ESO observation period (93P, 98P, and 99P). My works include preparing the observation blocks (OBs), doing the data reduction, and improving the calibration pipeline. In order to retrieve higher S/N ratio in absorption lines, I reduce the effects of differential atmospheric refraction by theoretical calculation in the both the image and spectroscopy. Such effect becomes significant for high-resolution observations (e.g. AO mode) at near-infrared wavelengths.

Millimeter & Submillimeter

Submillimeter Array (SMA)

My first professional astronomy research is using SMA data to study the shell kinematics of post-AGB star. I used MIR and MIRID to flag out bad data and reconstruct the image. I also complete one night observation for the summer student group project – searching the methanol signal from high-z galaxy.

Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM)

I studied the HCN and HCO+ in the nuclear regions for the nearby AGNs with Plateau de Bure Interferometer(PdBI) data. Recently I use new instrument – PolyFix to observe the CO gas kinematic to study the AGN feedback mechanism.

Yuan-Tseh Lee Array (YTLA)

It is a 7 small dishes interferometer project leaded by Taiwan (former name:AMiBA). I assist daytime and nighttime observing and work closely with engineers/project scientist to do the troubleshooting, for example: decompose the antennae amplitudes and looking for whether they correlate to the instrumental temperatures. I also measure the quasar continuum flux density, then compare to the System Equivalent Flux Density(SEFD) in order to check the instrument stability, it is a part of commissioning test and verification phases. (On site during Aug 2018, Oct-Dec 2018).